Saturday 21 February 2015


Until the release of the movie Iron Man, the world was never interested in the world like Augmented Reality (AR). The scientists researching on the product were at the end of table about this interesting concept still figuring out on the technology they had in hand and the exact application. But what Iron Man showed was just an animation but it led out a possibility that such thing could happen in the real world. Infact, there were gadget in the real world which weren’t tried until the famous British spy, James Bond, implemented him in his majestic movies.
Now, we have this version in hands and slowly these things are actually getting into our smartphones too! Amazed? Yes, you should be. The recent launch of the famous amazon phone, Fire phone, brought an innovative pet named Dynamic Perspective. The concept in the device is- the phone supports a five or three front cameras which decide the correct position of the person according to the gyro sensor and the accelerometer. The position in the sensor is then relayed onto the screen to give the tilt to the angle where you stand or the position in which you are looking at the phone and holding it. This will give a 3D like animation along with the tilt and an effect as if you were viewing the screen with your own eyes. Isn’t that amazing? The specs are but the phone isn’t. 
Now about the augmented reality in real life. The augmented reality uses computer sensory and the imaginary to design the original physical reality in a virtual way. The physical object is measured and actually projected with appropriated dimensions by the computer using proper lighting and camera sensors. The technology is currently a tidbit now, but developers are bringing things into action with Google showing off the Oculus Rift at this year’s I/O. The camera was widely acclaimed but it drew critics too. Google also launched Ingress to the smartphones which is a very famous AR games available. Nowadays, people are also purchasing Augmented Reality setups for their smart homes. Though the technology is presently in the developmental phase but has been garnering a huge amount of response from the Iron Man Fans (Infact, I am a fan too).

Some of the most exciting augmented-reality work is taking place in research labs at universities around the world. In February 2009, at the TED conference, Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry presented their augmented-reality system, which they developed as part of MIT Media Lab's Fluid Interfaces Group. They call it Sixth Sense, and it relies on some basic components that are found in many augmented reality systems as Camera, Small projector, Smartphone and Mirror. Here the projector turns any of the available space as a screen and more of that the inputs can be taken through the use of capped fingers which are used to demarcate as the inputs for the reality system. The guys from MIT went on to say that it might work with different color of Nail-Polish too. The system at times often responds to various gestures shown to it. For example, a circle on the wrist will show the time on the hand. Many companies has also sold many equipments pertaining to Augmented Reality to the U.S. military.

This Sixth Sense of technology will soon be available to the world with 2 years in even the smallest devices and all the mega Sci-Fi movies will become a reality as we are garnering to enter that stage. As we have seen in the renowned work of Jules Verne” Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea”.

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