Tuesday 24 December 2013


Initially, the world started with the invention of the wheel the people were so elated that everyone made a wheel out of wood or stone and used it. The world at that moment was self-reliant what all they had was what all they wanted. They didn't care to store for more because they had everything around them and they were subservient. This was termed as existentialism. But then again it is said conditions change from time to time and things did change the world took a turn when concept of king was introduced amongst them where one single head was rich enough and smart enough for all the luxuries to be adorned. He ruled the place and he started a method of exchange called as the barter system, it was a reward for the hard-working and degraded denomination for those who didn't work. The kings were hereditary or non-hereditary; it depended on the era and the place. At some places the kings squandered money, while at some place the made an exhilarating progress- the various eras had been a witness to that. Looking other way around, the earlier one was a Communist era while the later one was a Dictatorial or the Imperialistic. Let’s not get into the details of these because the newspapers these days tell about that enough with the amount of shape-shifting changes going around in the world.
The barter system was an implicit system of the particular empire where the people bartered or gave away the things they had in abundance to the things they needed. That can also be termed as the self-reliant method. Isn’t it? Keeping only the things you needed and giving away the rest to someone in need. The world was a much more harmonious place back then as the greedy motives of the people didn’t come in between these transactions. There was no barter made that- if I give you an onion one has to give 100 potatoes for that. It was as simple as an ‘eye for an eye’. People lived a lucid life which used didn’t raise much beyond what they need and what they had. But then came the era of the transcendental progress. The unprecedented progress allowed all the bread earners to have a much more decent life than before.
I’m talking about the industrial era where the concept of money and economy arose. The need to own and collect things was so distinct that they lost the single fact that they needed only what they wanted and spare the luxury. One can term that to be the unambitious behaviour of the recent era but I term it as the self-reliantness of the era. Because people had what they needed yet there wasn’t much better progress than -when people had everything that they wanted. The deviltry of the newer eras were not less when the Fords manufactured the least costliest black car (though they were costly) to the common man, the Wright brothers made aeroplanes, the governments of the countries which forced labourers to work half the wages for more hours. But right now when we look at the development we find it breath-taking –one cannot deny the lives aimlessly lost behind such a development. The development might have had happened anyways a decade give or take. Yet, the human greed we say doesn’t stop till the end. My grandfather used to tell this story:
There was this old man who earned a lot in his lifetime, he had nearly half of the town under his control, the lands and the workers (the concept of bonded labour cannot be forgotten in the early Indian eras). You can name it and he owned it all. But the only feature that god bestowed on him was –he was a miser. He couldn’t spend a penny. He would always look up for a half in a paisa. But then whatever approaches to everyone- his end approached. The day he thought he was going to die he had all his family members gather around him so that he could tell them something. The sons thought that their father would tell them about his will, the daughters about the gold and the wife about the money he will leave behind. And exactly at the moment of his end he instructed his son to come near because he wanted to say something after all his life was about to pass out. So the biggest son neared his ear to his dying father’s mouth thinking that his father would say that he has left the power of attorney to his estate to him. But the father said,” there is a cow eating our vegetables in the vineyard. Go and shoo her away”. And with that he left his breath.
The story sounded hilarious to me at the beginning because I didn’t understand the need of money and the present scenario concept for the time being. But now I realise that how compassionate we have become for ourselves so that we cannot let others have a moment of happiness. The old fellow was in such a state that even though the cow ate up his whole vineyard it would never have had affected him. But we are never able to let things go. We can’t let go a Rs.10 note to a deserving beggar or for a person in need. We have become so much negatively passionate about things, though these things are never going to last! Out hunger for these things and the vices from them has become so insatiable that we drown with them only. Then again with all this money comes a lot of vices too. People who are insanely rich have often been known to do things that when the world found out they were just left spellbound “The secret life of Malcolm Forbes” or the Indian example of recently incarcerated self-styled godman-Asaram and his son’s philandering habits. Whenever we dig deeper into lives of such people we find out dirty secrets of people who have abused their spouses, killed or covered up someone, have a hand in extortion, drug abuse or human trafficking. You can name the famous Jimmy Hoffer and his mysterious disappearance or the dubious death death of Marilyn Monroe and the involvement of elite brothers with that case.

People always see the money behind these things but nobody sees the lives money has ruined. One can term it as the short-sightedness of the human mind or the ignorance of the same mind. I term it as the side where we imagine ourselves to be so intelligent that these things would never affect us. But these things do have a way of inadvertently affecting us without our knowledge. Then again what can we do at those points? The answer is “what we do at those crucial moments define who we actually are. We cannot shrug off the momentary pleasures the world bestows on us. We should enjoy those but our ability to see people being a part of those pleasure and our decisions to help them will take us a long way than storing all the best things till the last- where we won’t be able to enjoy them. The effort to do the right thing at right time will define who we actually are.

Saturday 24 August 2013

PINPOINT- it's not a pen this time

Day and again I keep glancing on too many repetitive things that keep on happening in our country and even without a single inch of improvement in the desired sector, which made me think profoundly of the fact that exactly where are we heading with this headstrong attitude. Unlike every smart human being i also tried to figure out the grim nuances of the problem by hearing debates and thinking over the probable hypothesis which could lead to such fore bearing in our cultural country.
But I wasn't able to get the answer. So I tried an old trick
“When foresight gives you no idea, take the help of past”
And my musings knew no bound when I did find a little solace from the answer that i received from the problem. Let’s start for that matter of fact with the greatest of scriptures we know (for the matter of fact I won’t be an iconoclast proving wrong the traditions)- the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. There always been this Indian tradition of pin pointing everything that has come up in our way. As a matter of fact had not Draupadi pin pointed “a blind’s son is always a blind” the great distressing events of Mahabharata would have occurred. Though it did add a little bit of melodrama to the thought of it being the largest epic. Even in the Ramayana had not Kaikai been pin pointed the great fact that her soon won’t be a regal patronage the kingdom of Ayodhaya wouldn't have witnessed such dire circumstances too. One will question that even the scriptures wouldn't have been written without these events but then I must ask what actually did these events teach us. The fact that step-mothers are bad or for the fact in order to seek revenge we must cheat our cousins or bereft them of whatever they ever have had? The answer was just a simple NO. But the English lived in the communion without pin-pointing and ruled us for 200 years. Amazing isn't it!!! Stats don’t lie at times.
Looking at the debates we see on television where people are just delving their brains, accusing each other and even the public for the unrest. But what we never do is just find the real problem and implement it at the grass root level. People have to die to make a bill pass. And that’s what hurts our democracy. We will just sit at our tables read good books, drink great tasting tea and coffee and give our expert opinion on the naive behavior of the criminals. While the actual problem is left unaddressed, while us on the other hand try to understand the problem through these mass discussion. But when at one point we think with our rational brains we understand – what understanding does a son or a daughter actually needs when his father is actually shot by two assailants and police can’t catch them or the regards for a girl who has been raped by their own countrymen.
And through this article too i wish this hypocrite could just waiver people from just pin-pointing others and blaming unknown people for the things that they are never accused off (at least they will never be accused off). Just a fact that if we have problem it has to be dealt with in an urgent manner because “A stitch in time saves nine”.

Thursday 4 April 2013

A World Full Of Possibilities

There is always a secure cover world that we as human beings live in. Small children for example live in the world of fairies and stories of Cinderella and Snow White. They live on with a life to achieve a perfect and a happy ending. So is with STAR WARS where the young ANICAN SKYWALKER leaps beyond his destiny to have a perfect ending. Though when we grow up we see the world and realize that “All that starts well doesn’t end well”. Though major stories of children classical tales have been made to figure out the world of possibility the tale of Little Red Riding Hood does have many different endings in many different literatures. But the once we like is the one with happy ending. Why is it that all the heart wants is a perfect and a passionate ending where you just can look beyond the horizon holding hands for eternity?
Someone said once,
“If you want a happy ending it all depends on where you stop the story”
                                                     -Orson Welles
We change and so does the world around us changes.  People come and people go, some stay and some leave behind their footprints on the sands of time. Some leave willingly and some leave unwillingly and there comes a time where you are left with nothing –nothing to share and nowhere to go and that’s when  you start to retrospect the world of Snow White and Cinderella . Its only because we dislike ending, we always dislike the last day of summer vacation, last chapter of a beautiful book or the climax of a beautiful movie. But at the end all things must eventually end.and with that end people do disperse. Some nearer and some farther. But at the end of the day you have to make peace with the fact that they once a part of a beautiful memorabilia of your life. But with some people no matter how far they are not matter how unavailable they are. They will always be our solid ground to guide us during our difficult paths. Some will always be there for you when the time runs out or your watch doesn’t work. So this is a special enchantment by the time that we stop hating endings.  So at the end we shall not fear the endings may it be happy or bad because at the end when you have the end to cherish with your loved ones- it actually makes life one heaven of a thing to live in.

Friday 29 March 2013

A Journey Called Life

There goes an idiom,
“Child is a father of man”
                                                -William Shakespeare
But actually we never anticipate how fast a child becomes a Man and we no longer look upto that toddler as a child play with toys but with an adult playing with responsibilities and emotions. And yet as we keep piling on birthdays one after another we expect that such an extravagant amount of time passed by just while you were standing and watching life. Today, I’m 20 years old and yet when look back to those years in the past, they seem like a perfectly strewn flawless pearl necklace but when you witness it from nearer it can’t seem to resist the fact that it does have some flaws. In a melodramatic way I can’t say that my life has exactly been a bed of roses or daffodils right out of a twilight movie(their extravagant charm still fantasies me nonetheless ), nor a streak of pathos ri
ght outside from  the movie SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. But it has been a mixture of both. And when I look back I see those things completely mesmerizing and nostalgic.
Just as sir D.H.Lawrence said in his poem THE PIANO
“The glamour of childish days is upon me,
My manhood is cast down in the flood of remembrance,
I weep like a child for the past”
And, yes I must say that it does let down tears in my eyes when my heart yearns to recreate those moments once again. At times those memories like traveling on vehicle with your grandmother who is shouting to explain  you something, but you understand nothing while the people around get the lesson of their lives or when you just travel an extra mile to your friend’s house before leaving for tuitions, using a continuous tautology of words just to earn the criticism of their words or going around to McDonalds to grab a bag of large French fries who had a bad day at college or grabbing an ice-cream with a friend even though you have cold saying that they are good for health. Looking at those days it doesn’t matter how much these things take a toll on you- how much your energy is drained or how much these things cost you, at the end of the days these will be the memories that will make your life worth living. Actually it’s not the money or energy that’s most important it’s the smile of your loved ones that’s important at the end of the day. You wouldn’t like them to say THANK YOU but simple words
“You did this for me?”
And a smile
Those are the things for which you could cycle Tour De France on a tricycle.
Even the ways of acting weird in front of your parents, making yourself look insane in front of ten other people but their simple smile changes the insanity or eccentric behaviour into a worthwhile memory for which you could go to asylum for the rest of your life. And yet now when I look back on this days it doesn’t matter who gifted you what or who said what. But the smiles they gave will last for eternity in your mind. The small dimples, the freckles around the eyes and the minimising of eyes just to give a perfect look and those blushing red cheeks strike an arrow straight to your heart. Thus on this birthday a toast to friendship with a 1933 Bollinger (James Bond exquisite) to all those friends who made my life worth living with those smiles. People always say life isn’t about all hay and sunshine but in a worthwhile it actually is, and when those mystical dark days come those memories will still bind you by the force of love you have felt for eternity. 

Saturday 26 January 2013

Seremonious ViewPoints: World Through Different Eyes

Seremonious ViewPoints: World Through Different Eyes: There have always been things is like veneration, vengeance, vendetta in our life. Many great people in this world say that those things ...

World Through Different Eyes

There have always been things is like veneration, vengeance, vendetta in our life. Many great people in this world say that those things are derogatory and lead to man’s fall but one thing I have learnt is that those things are inevitable in life. Though we move ourselves doing yoga and positive energy stuff there are these things that still creep in our life. It isn’t that we change our life by fighting these things but we eventually change our lives by accepting those things the way they are. Those things might not have be an outcome of your actions, they might have been the repercussion of others behaviour in our life but those things though actually creep in. At many stages in our life we help people unconditionally not because these mean the world to us but because only a human can actually help human. But at the end of the day when you need their help they leave you sulking not a person on the earth would tell me that they didn’t feel the need to fell vengeance or vendetta at that point. We regret the time and the trust we lost on them and yet we can’t do anything.
The recent days let me so claustrophobic about the Delhi case where the people of India had enormous strides in fuelling the TRP of the television channels and channelling a lot of rumours around that. Around the social networking sites I found a lot of people writing rubbish messages on the net just in order to show there social awareness and their cool content but one idiom for them

“Better be quite and let people understand you to be fool than open your mouth and prove everyone’s doubts.”

By reading enormous books, they have always taught me that we should always scoff at cynics but these days if I were to do that much scoffing it would have led me to typhoid or serious medical maladies. And yet there were people who were so much worried about the victim that they moved stones of mountains to show just a momentary moment of affection. Had they really been worried they wouldn’t have wrote these things but have had helped people who suffer the same. Or were they really worried why didn’t a single soul help the  victim when she was lying on road dying and she eventually died knowing that whatever world bestows on you is temporary and the people are always fickle. At times people think making Facebook and Twitter post is going to save the nation from its present situation I think the answer is no and we cannot change life and the world by a post. Or why would have our freedom fighters for the country and Jawans wouldn’t  have died on border if really a Facebook post could stop war or give you freedom. All through this life I have learnt just one thing- nothing in this life comes easily. Nobody will give you even a single penny free unless they have a motive behind it. We earn everything in our life through our hard work and not Facebook post. We get marks in exams because of our studies+ hard work and not because of our Facebook posts. It’s like

“No pain no gain.”

And still here we are without an inch of change. I am no Bob Marley, Jimmy Buffet or John Lennon who would give advice or write songs on these topics or some great wonderful lines that again people would post on Facebook. I am just a simple man in a dire need to change the circumstances of India. We are a wonderful, beautiful, religious and self-monitoring country but without certain restraints and changes are necessary or else we are just like celebutauntes and bimbettes who make living by showing their affection on the television and theatre screens while we on social networking sites.
And hence on this republic day we will wish hundreds and speak the same but when it comes to heart we are just the same hollow people with all the fake smiles and words that enlighten the world around you but at the end we are all left utterly and solely alone when these things will come to an end. So wake up before it’s too late.