Friday 14 September 2012

                                                                A LETTER
Dear father,
My results came out yesterday, and though many people were basking in the sun of glory. I was not the one amongst them, I am not the person to overlook my mistakes be contended with the result and move forward with no improvement. Talking about improvement I didn’t improve an inch in this semester but I degraded. And hence, I have written this letter to let you know of my musing. Where I lost my marks that led to my no improvement policy in the last semester.
Dad life as we learn it from  my talks with grandpa and grandma has always been a one with enjoyment, the way the spent their life enjoying the glorious sun and sleeping in the glory of moon. And looking on those days I feel that is it that we are living in a different world from theirs? Or is that we have moved on so much that we find such things in our life so much unimportant?  But father what I learnt from those talks was that living and experiencing life were the major topics of life, while other things were ancillary things. Why is it that I always find my grandma happy with her pots, pans and god, while at the same moment I find my mom battling so much with things? Is education a harbinger of restlessness? Or is the fact that we have simply lost the essence of life? This is the world where you are taught to colour the roses and hibiscus red but not shown the real things to experience life.
But dad let me tell you that this world doesn’t depend on the way of practical knowledge where a person is dying on road we don’t know how to save him, but we are taught unnecessary things that would never ever help us in our day to day life. Why are we wasting time learning them? Why is it that we can’t turn a page over in our life and forget those things a bit for life. Why are we taught to draw graphics of useless objects like parabola and hyperbola which we are never going to use them again, or for the matter of fact certain things is mechanics of solids. Finding those answers really made me fumble and these were the results of my musing. But I have learnt one things in my life for sure
“I believe that everything in life happens for a reason. People change so that you can let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they are right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and SOMETIMES GOOD THINGS FALL APART SO THAT BETTER THINGS CAN FALL TOGETHER”
So dad, leave all the topics and let me tell you the result were I lost my marks. I scored 6.48 in 2nd semester and it was chiefly because of my fumbling errors in maths, though I have tried a lot but this subject never reaches my mind, moreover I passed my most dreaded subjects with CD grades(I am still clueless how) and infact these two subjects led to my fall. But rest are the subjects where I scored according to my expectation and my capability. But
“it’s futile to cry when the milk is spilt”
And hence day I just accepted one thing
“If you can’t be a sun, then just be a star;
If you can’t be a highway, then just be a trail;
It isn’t by the size that you win or lose ;
Be the best of whatever you are.”
Yours obedient son,
p.s- love you more and more for making my life so comfortable and making it worth living.


  1. When Logic meets Imotional bonds...
    Heart warming

  2. life is like a roller coaster ride my frnd without going down you won't enjoy coming up, the marks are just on paper the actual lesson are what we learn each and everyday, moment and how we strike back to the situation hope u come out with flying colors in future we have more 6 sem to come and we will make it buddy. Just forget about past and getting strength for future b'coz u r going to strike back my frnd

    ~~~~~ jayanshu~~~~~

  3. Don't b so sad u'r very near to 6.75 mark so u can get above tht mark coz i know ur ability so do hard work n u'll surely get out of it !!
