Wednesday 11 July 2012

Great Expectations

With colleges starting around after enormous days of vacations actually left me pondering on the magnificient stuborness of college or our place of study. Once we inside it we need some break and when we get our much awaited break we often tend to go back and start it again. and the reason for that was simply" nothing is static in life,once you get what you want in the pursuit for happiness you tend to move on once you have got it and once you are satisfied by it". And hence that was exactly what i feel like  college.sitting at home visualizing a novel,watching television or playing cricket at first befits our schedule for someday but later on we start getting accustomed to it and to move away or forget it or in a more specific sense you "out grow" them.

And hence i started feeling nostalgic about the days of school where the advancement of vacation seemed to be so welcoming that days went by without notice but you start remembering friends and yearn to go back to school again.And later on when the school starts its a whole new vigour to reach the zenith (though it is not everlasting) but still in could definitely give a bump in your adrenaline. And then setting out to conquer the unforseen lands with new vigour but at the end only these things kept us going for eternity and plus on top of ice-cream - new compass boxes,new bags,new shoes acted like cherries on top of that and that even invigourated our zeal towards endeavours of the present class we were studying.

And later there came a drastic change when we moved to college and so called maturity was inculcated into us, but though still we go by the old principles of new clothes and new vigour but the only change is our physical growth. but nonetheless mental growth just remained the same.And the new semester we start with new goals and new determination and with progress of time the gravity of things reduce but still we go on till the semester ends. and when we come out we are a better person than we were previously.and hence that is the exact time when we say that we have "outgrown" the small childish things.but in real sense there goes a proverb
"what's good for goose is good for gander"
And in the similar way was good earlier same is good now. And hence at the end of the day it doesn't matter whatever you do in your life ,but how you do it depends. You might not do work which might affect the world but it does to some people around you and thus these are very special lines to me
"if u can't be a sun ,then just be a star;
 if u can't be a highway,then just be a trail;
 it isn't by the size you win or lose
 just be the best of whatever you are"

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